Mind Identity

Scientific Method

While MIT refutes the findings of physical science as Ultimate Reality, the experience of Transcendence and Mind Entity is provable by approaches of conventional science. Here is the scientific method as utilized by Mind Identity research.

Mind Identity

Christ Experiments

Christ Experiments The Theory of Mind ID opens a realm of mental infinitude to our awareness. We introduce Christ Experiments to encourage citizen researchers and casual learners to test the extent of MIT. These are experiments to encourage perceptually experiencing the infinitude of Mind Identity. Do Miracles like Jesus Hear Higher Self Minds are Joined […]

Mind Identity

Disproof of Time Results

A major claim of Mind Identity theory is that time is not fundamentally real. These are user submitted disproofs of time.

Mind Identity Prophesy

Disproof Of Time

The Disproof of Time Blog A major claim of Mind Identity theory is that time is not fundamentally real. This is the same time that we count our days by, measure velocity with, and hum the Jeopardy! tune to indicate is running out. Time is a belief, not Reality. A belief is an understanding that […]