Mind Identity and Ego

Understood properly, Mind Identity is the dissolution of ego. It is the exact belief of what you are that is not an ego. It claims the Self prior to ego, and provides the guiding beliefs and practices that will prove this Self to yourself, thereby allowing you to un-identify with the ego belief.
This is exactly what egos do not want. And exactly what you do. But an ego identified mind will resist unless at a higher level they have decided, now is the time for their awakening.
Here’s the best part: You don’t even have to awaken to reap major benefits from Mind ID belief (or its lighter fare: A Course in Miracles.)¹

A Course in Miracles is a course in mental healing. The final state of healing is wholeness. As you travel toward the state of healing, the incremental measure of progress is an increment of mental healing. Generally, this is the direction of and leads to increased well-being.
It is experienced as incrementally improved well-being up to and including the state of perfected perception. That’s the whole point of the teaching. It should be obvious that any gains made along this track provide classically considered positive effects for the mind and perceptions of the learner.
And yet:
I do not know the thing I am, and therefore do not know what I am doing, where I am, or how to look upon the world or on myself.
Yet in this learning is salvation born. And What you are will tell you of Itself.
It’s time to see the world a whole different way.
Whenever you are ready, it’s alexbrady time.
– alex brady
¹ – this is a pun