
The End of the World

Salvation, complete, excluding no one, limitless in gentleness, will cover it, hiding all evil, concealing all sin, and ending guilt forever. So ends the world of sorrow, for now it has no purpose and is gone.

The End of the World

The illusory world will end in an illusion, as it began. Its ending be an illusion of mercy. Salvation, complete, excluding no one, limitless in gentleness, will cover it, hiding all evil, concealing all sin, and ending guilt forever. So ends the world of sorrow, for now it has no purpose and is gone.

The world will end when all is seen in the light of the Awakened Mind. The dreamlike state apparent, at first a blessing of abundant peace and mercy is seen. The world of Reality is seen. Once the guilt made fulfills its purpose of revealing itself, it will cease to seem to be. It will not be destroyed nor even touched. An Awakened Mind returns to awareness of its Creation.

While the realization of the illusory nature of the world seems to be a lofty goal, this final ceasing to believe in the world illusion shows is the same as any other miracle. This recognition will gracefully dawn upon the miracle-minded. It will dawn on every mind in the process of Salvation. Salvation is inevitable.

The world will end in joy because it was a place of sorrow. When joy has come, the purpose of the world has gone. The world will end in peace because it was a place of war. When peace has come, what is the purpose of the world? The world will end in laughter because it was a place of tears. Where there is laughter, who can longer weep? And only complete forgiveness brings all this to bless the world. In blessing it departs, and creation reigns for all eternity.

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