
Biblical Omissions

An inspired look into two discerned omissions of the Holy Scriptures.


The Kingdom of Heaven is Now

The Kingdom of Heaven, and by extension Heaven on Earth, is here and now. An audio.


Light Show

Light Show Light Show is alexbrady’s live video production of sharing the light. The Show features a variety of live formats, discussion and action cams on topics ranging from smithing, A Course in Miracles and things in between. Light Show is filmed live. Selected replays are available here after the show. Stay Lit and Live […]


A Course in Miracles Videos

A Course in Miracles Videos A Course in Miracles is a fan favorite, and one of our favorite things! Here are our A Course in Miracles videos. Chat with the savior from illusions iamalexbrady on Reddit for more A Course in Miracles! Contact


Mind Identity Videos

Mind Identity

Mind Identity, the ontological truth and salvation of the world, is available for members of Alexbrady.

Purchase a Mind Identity key, and receive access to member only alexbrady research and advancements.


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What is A Course in Miracles?

What is A Course in Miracles? A Course in Miracles is a work of literature with the aim of bringing the learner to Self-realization as eternal spirit – the goal of the spiritual path. This teaching is a direct method of restoring personal communication with the One Source of all that ever is, was, and will […]

ACIM files Uncategorized

ACIM Urtext – Chapter 1

In the scribing of A Course in Miracles, Helen Shucman and Bill Thetford joined to produce the Urtext from Shucman’s shorthand notes. The Urtext is claimed to be the immediately typed text from Shucman reading her writings to Thetford. Below is manuscript of the first chapter transcribed to digital format.

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ACIM files Uncategorized

Themes of Relevance A Course in Miracles

Themes of Relevance from A Course in Miracles. Forgiveness, Salvation, the World, Sin, the Body, the Christ, the Holy Spirit and more.